Rico will stop and help but Rico will show her how to do it. Then when she is so greatful for Rico teaching her Rico will get her number. Then they will meet up later and Rico will hit a home run. Rico is smart and superwonderful.Rico wants to know if you will stop to help a girl change a tire?rico orale amingo...change a tire esse holmes ..sounds good gatoRico wants to know if you will stop to help a girl change a tire?Rico is humble and down to earth.Rico wants to know if you will stop to help a girl change a tire?Sure i would....Rico would you ever fix Michael Jacksons tire?Rico wants to know if you will stop to help a girl change a tire?If the girl is attractive I would stop .Rico wants to know if you will stop to help a girl change a tire?Rico sounds like he learned English as a second language by watching Rainman repetitively.
*I probably wouldn't stop to help a girl change a tire. I'm usually the one that just keeps going on by.Rico wants to know if you will stop to help a girl change a tire?if that's your only reason for helping......you need help
I have and do help when i see someone who needs it, without expecting anything in return.....its called having manners..you should try itRico wants to know if you will stop to help a girl change a tire?Hi other fake Rico... you are trying to hard at pretending to be Rico, that's not wonderful.Rico wants to know if you will stop to help a girl change a tire?rico suave?Rico wants to know if you will stop to help a girl change a tire?id stop and help.
but i wouldnt hit a home run. unless the girl swings that way
shwiiiingRico wants to know if you will stop to help a girl change a tire?great!!!@#$$%%%%26amp;%26amp;*(*()())_)_)%$#@QWERGRico wants to know if you will stop to help a girl change a tire?these Rico questions are making me nervous...Rico wants to know if you will stop to help a girl change a tire?I already know how to change a tire, any idiot can do it. So ill pass :)Rico wants to know if you will stop to help a girl change a tire?thanks for sharingRico wants to know if you will stop to help a girl change a tire?lol