I would like to get people's opinion about how America will change with a black President.
Will it dramatically improve the status of minorities, namely African-Americans?How will Obama Presidency change America?IF ... he is elected THE President of THE United States of America ... It WILL be some of the bleakest times in American History !!!!
P L E A S E ... SEARCH . . . Senate Bill S.2433
The Followers of the Socialist / Communist / Liberal ... AND ... ANTI-American Nominee will NEVER accept that HE AND THEY CAN actually make mistakes and CAN be wrong !!!
Obama Supporters do not want to see, hear, and / or understand the TRULY Intelligent Answers and / or Questions that are NOT - FOR - Obama !!!
We NEED to start doing the %26quot;REPORT IT%26quot; Button on them for EVERY LITTLE ... POSSIBLE ... Violation, like they do to the rest of the people on here !!!!
Barrack Obama???
So how does everyone feel that Barrack Obama thinks that there is 57 states..
I feel like he can go be President of the 7 states that he knows about !!!
TRUE American KNOW that there are ONLY 50 STATES !!!!
I ... have no problem voting for a person - black, female, white, etc. - as long as that person is the BEST candidate for the position of THE President of THE United States of America !!!
HOWEVER ... Obama is NOT the Best person to be THE President of THE United States of America.
Hillary is Pro-American enough to try to do what is best for the country.
Obama is ANTI-American enough to TAX US to HELP the REST OF THE WORLD ... BEFORE he takes care of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA !!!
I am for OUR America AND OUR Children's Future !!!!
That is WHY ... WE ... NEED to make sure that EVERY American KNOWS about Senate Bill S.2433
Please, SEARCH the phrase above !!!! ... OR the Actual Senate Bill Number - S.2433 !!!
I am AGAINST the Socialist / Communist / Liberal ANTI-American - OBAMA !!!!
Democrats generally believe in heavy fines for honest work, while rewarding sloth and indulgence.
Do YOU think that people should be able to do absolutely nothing productive and get government hand-outs for sloth and indulgence - healthcare, tobacco, alcohol, drugs, STDs, etc. ??
Do YOU want to have YOUR MONEY TAKEN from YOU and YOUR FAMILY to FINANCE these people ???
I have NOTHING against helping the elderly and the young.
I DO have a problem SUPPORTING the able-bodied people that do NOT want to get off of their butts and EARN an honest living - instead of %26quot;FEEDING%26quot; off of hard working citizens.
AND they teach their children, and their children's children HOW to FEED off of government programs !!
Just realize ... that those of us that ACTUALLY have to work for a living, are getting tired of PAYING for the Democrats idea of HELPING.
Shouldn't MANDATORY Urine Tests be REQUIRED of people that are requesting %26quot;government handouts%26quot;?
IF you are on LEGAL prescription drugs, then you will not have a problem proving it !!
CHANGE is ALL that you will get back from the Socialist/Communist/Liberal Democrats, when they TAKE your hard earned paycheck from you to give it to able bodied people, %26quot;FEEDERS%26quot;, who do NOT want to get off of their butts and actually get a job !! Our wonderful government hand-out programs !!
Please, TRY to HOPE in one hand and SPIT in the other hand!
Which one is filling up the fastest ??
We need to make sure that the person that represents AMERICA is PRO-AMERICA !!!
WE NEED to make sure that EVERY man, woman, and child, KNOW how ANTI-AMERICAN Obama and his Reverend(S) ARE !!!
Would a CONTINUAL 20 years of %26quot;second hand smoke%26quot; have a negative affect on the other people in the area ??
Would a CONTINUAL 20 years of %26quot;Anti-American Preachings%26quot; have a negative affect on the other people in the area ??
John F. Kennedy, a Democrat, was sworn in as the 35th President of THE United States of America, at noon on January 20, 1961. In his inaugural address he spoke of the NEED for ALL Americans to be ACTIVE CITIZENS, famously saying, %26quot;Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.%26quot;
Please NOTICE that it said DEMOCRAT - NOT Socialist and / or Communist Democrat !!
It means this country is only as strong as the people in it. It means get off your a$$ and do something!!!
The Democratic Elite make the rules and then they change them for their convenience !!
The Elite Democrats feel like THEY know better than YOU who would be the best person to run the country !!!
By the People and For the People !!!
.How will Obama Presidency change America?He will go for his own race...trust me....
Hispanics know he will do so and will support McCain.How will Obama Presidency change America?For the worse, with his radical leftist beliefs.How will Obama Presidency change America?I think America is ready for a black president. At least that's what I've seen in the media.How will Obama Presidency change America?Obams?
12.00/gallon gas
Food Shortages
Unemployment @ 19%
Black outs
in other words
Jimmy Carter ..the SequelHow will Obama Presidency change America?One word...%26quot;YES! For the good of the country%26quot;How will Obama Presidency change America?Out of the war, better quality and cheaper tuition costs and more affordable health care, and helping millions of Americans stay in their homes... the works.How will Obama Presidency change America?First off a %26quot;N%26quot; will never be President.
Second if and I do mean IF he does, all we will have left is change in our pockets. The democrats will tax us to death.How will Obama Presidency change America?It will dramatically improve the status of everyone, actually.How will Obama Presidency change America?Higher taxes for everyone
Preferential treatment for blacks
Top offices filled with socialists
We know nothing about him or what he thinks. All questions about him and Michelle are off limits. I hope we don't get a %26quot;Trojan horse.%26quot;How will Obama Presidency change America?America with a black president is fine by me... the problem is this black that is attempting to be president is racist and far left. So America will make a change for the worse.How will Obama Presidency change America?if America was not ready for a non caucasian candidate they would have not chosen him as their democratic nominee, its just few people that still believe in segregation
i think most people will love to have a non white candidate
race/gender is a non issueHow will Obama Presidency change America?You know if he would abandon his own grandparents, by the way, the grandparents that his own mother shipped him off to when his father abandoned him. What makes you think he won't abandon us? As Barack described them%26quot;white folk%26quot;, yeah white folks that wouldn't abandon you, their grandchild...Shame on you Obama !How will Obama Presidency change America?im afraid whites will be paying slavery reps. instead of their own people paying them money because it was blacks that sold blacks into slavery
possibly a break up of the usaHow will Obama Presidency change America?I know this is something that many people will be talking about all the way to November but what does his color have anything to do with if he can do the job. No one says...Oh My God...he's white...can he be president. It's change that America will deal with. I believe this country will flourish again with Obama as the leader. He will take on Clinton as his V.P. and with her knowledge of Washington and his flair and ability to speak they will plow over people in their way to change. Just because he is black has nothing to do with whether he can be a good president. There are no hints in the media or in his speeches that he will only take care of the African-American people in this country. That is crazy to say such things. Those are comments fueled by nothing more than pure racism. Why can a white man do a better job than a black man......because he is white??? Really???How will Obama Presidency change America?I think in a way not only young african americans but young minorities are going to view obama as great example, a savior, a hugely great role model, and leader. He is an example of how any one can make if you put you heart, hardwork, and determination in it. It will def. inspire many people to work from the bottom on up and choose more smarter routes for there lives. However I do not think racial tensions that already exist will change any. All he can do is inspire people to do better.How will Obama Presidency change America?I think that he will definitely spice up the White House with style, but that's all he will contribute to our wellbeing. All he did for the past months was fight with Hillary Clinton about who the %26quot;best democrat%26quot; was and nothing else. No promises as to how he would improve the USA.
There were no promises to end poverty, improve health care, improve the state of education, reduce unemployment, nothing about reducing the troop buildup in the warzones without surrendering victory for the US, make tax breaks for middle and lower class citizens and most of all, reducing gas prices for the entire country. I never heard any of these issues spoken of between the both of them in a civilized manner.....
I'm hoping John McCain can do these things for us instead of the democrats that did nothing but fight and separate their own political party.How will Obama Presidency change America?I can't STAND Obama, McCain, or Hillary. They're all terrible. When someone says that I don't like Obama because he is black...BS...I would love to see Colin Powell as President, maybe even Condoleeza Rice. If Obama becomes president this will become a Socialist Nation and he will let countries like Iran and Syria build up Nuclear Weapons and maybe, just maybe start WWIII! Obama just doesn't have enough experience to be president. I really don't think that it will change the status of minorities. I actually think it might get worse since he signed a document saying he believed in Black Liberation Theology.How will Obama Presidency change America?First thing that is going to happen, is a great sigh of relief, that the crazy one and his minions are gone. Then people of color all over the world will be happy for about 15 minutes. Then the republibitches will then accuse him of everything under the sun since Lincoln, and then Obama will realize the span and depth of the Bush Mess and start calling on them to testify about their crimes against the US (ala Mandela). Then like the first black anything Jackie Robinson, Jesse Owens, Jack Johnson, Tiger Woods he will be the best that ever was. White folks will carve his face on Mt. Rushmore and and put his face on the lowest currency at the time, the $35 bill. Then he will appoint me the head N in charge of the N-word, and I will terminate with extreme prejudice all users of the word permanently, starting with Mr Bill M at the top of these entries.How will Obama Presidency change America?gun control, downward spiral. The status of minorities in this country is up to them its not up to the government that is what is good about this country. I'm an immigrant and I know that he's not good for the country.
by sabotaging the country all us minorities would be doing is hurting ourselves and our countries.