Everything I do, I do too much of. I don't know how to just do a little bit of anything which sometimes gets me into hot water. I never know when to stop. How do you change that?I think I have an addictive personality. How to change that?It is apparent that a motivation, or physiological drive stronger than our conscious concerns is at work fueling addictive behaviors. Addiction, drugs or other means giving up conscious control. It is impulsive, unconscious behavior. As it is said in Alcoholics (or narcotics) anonymous, addicts are people who have lost all control of their lives, as well as their substance use and abuse. These people have tried many different times to stop using these substances, for their own personal, financial, or social reasons, and yet they couldn't. They were able to stop for short periods, or curb use for longer periods, but true abstinence over an extended period of time is somewhat rare among true addictive personalities. Also, addiction is a progressive disease.
Most addicts will not stop using until they hit bottom, believing that they may not survive unless they get help. Grateful alcoholics and addicts are those lucky enough to survive long enough to have a sudden, radical, change in orientation, a kind of spiritual awakening. Only you can make the decision that you're sick and tired of being this way, you have to have conscience control at all times, every second, every minute, ever hour for the rest of your life. Once you make up your mind you want to be the change you want to see, only then will you be addiction free.
Good Luck, seek counseling... if you truly commit it will work.I think I have an addictive personality. How to change that?go to a doctorI think I have an addictive personality. How to change that?Well, it depends on what you do too much of. If it is drugs and alcohol, then try to avoid people who do drugs and alcohol. If it is wanting to spend time with friends, that is not addictive. Although, it is good to have a large circle of friends so you have a lot of support and love.I think I have an addictive personality. How to change that?im the same way. i find myself addicted to games, texting, myspace. i cant stop sometimes. hmmm... i wish i knew the answer too.