Friday, June 3, 2011

I Want To Change The Radio In My 2002 Chevy Monte Carlo But How Would I Set The Oil Change And Tire Press Feat

There Is A Feature That Tells You Your Oil Life And Tire Pressure And Its Controlled Throught The Radio, I Want to Change My Factory Radio To Something A Little More Flashy. But Would I Still Be Able To Control These FeaturesI Want To Change The Radio In My 2002 Chevy Monte Carlo But How Would I Set The Oil Change And Tire Press FeatDo you have your owner's manual? The steps for resetting the TPMS and Oil Life Monitor without the radio are in the manual.

To reset the Oil Life Monitor do the following: turn the car on (do not start) and quickly press the gas pedal down three times. You should hear a chime and the Change Engine Oil light will flash and turn off.

To reset the TPMS (Tire Pressure Management System) make sure all tires are inflated properly then do this:

(From 2000 Impala Manual, process is the same for the Monte)

Turn the ignition to ON, then pull the interior lamps

control to the ON and OFF settings three times.

The system normally takes 15 to 20 minutes of driving

in each of three speed ranges to “learn” tire pressures.

The speed ranges are 15 to 40 mph (25 to 65 km/h),

40 to 65 mph (65 to 105 km/h) and above 65 mph

(105 km/h). When learning is complete, the system

will alert you after two to eight minutes if a tire is 12 psi

(83 kPa) different from the other three tires. Detection

thresholds may be higher and detection times may be

longer on rough roads, curves and at high speeds. The

system is not capable of detection at speeds greater than

70 mph (110 km/h).I Want To Change The Radio In My 2002 Chevy Monte Carlo But How Would I Set The Oil Change And Tire Press Featprobably not, the radio is hooked to all of it. the only way would be that you would have to get get a radio from GM with the same capabilities. I would say that any radio from another source would not be able to interface with these featuresI Want To Change The Radio In My 2002 Chevy Monte Carlo But How Would I Set The Oil Change And Tire Press FeatCheck with Crutchfield Radio at or call 1-888-955-6000